Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little Black Desk Re-Done

I was asked a couple of days ago to paint and shab a desk for a friend.  She wants it redone for her 15 year old daughter.  Her daughter picked out a really deep purple color.  Right now the desk is black and I thought it might look cool if after sanding it, the black showed through instead of the wood grain.  So here are the steps that I did yesterday.

  1. Sanded the desk to get rid of any imperfections.  This helps to reduce the dings and knicks so you have a nice fresh surface to work with.  Like a clean canvas.
  2. Used black spray paint to cover the spots where I had to sand down to wood.  This is the part that I have not tried before.  I mean, of course I have spray painted before.  I have never tried painting a base coat that will show through after shabby chic-ing. 
  3. Let the spray paint dry for a full 24 hours.  I need it to be very durable since parts of it will show through in the end.
Lot's more steps to do today so I will keep updating.  I can't wait to see how it turns out.  Here's a peek of what it looked at before I did anything to it. (Pardon the messy shop.)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fun With Tags

I had a lot of fun with these ones.  I got one of the images from The Graphics Fairy and the other was a stamp.  Another use for those old book pages.  They turned out pretty cute, and really easy to make, my favorite kind of project.

Embellishments DIY

I spent part of my day on Saturday checking out supplies at the craft stores.  Things are so expensive.  So I decided why buy things that I can make on my own.  The first thing I did was make these cute little daisies out of some old books a friend gave me.  I think they turned out pretty cute.  I made them using two flowers that a punched out.  I stacked them on top of each other and punched out a tiny hole in the middle to put a brad.  These one's are available at my Etsy Shop.

Then I decided to add some color to them.  I used one of my ink pads and lightly dobbed both layers.  I love the way they turned out.  I turned this one into a tag.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Boy!

It's been a busy week.  My son plays little league and had two games this week.  One of which was very wet.  But he is such a great kid, I was happy to sit in the rain to watch him play.  My boy is a fielding fool.  On Thursday he got awarded the game ball for his great play.  Way to go TJ!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Vintage Collage Mother's Day Cards

It rained on and off here most of the weekend.  In the Northwest?  I know.  So I had some fun with graphics from The Graphics Fairy.  I made these cute little digital collage Mother's Day Cards.  They are available for purchase at my Etsy store.

Suit Case Shelf

Check out this cool little shelf I made from an old little suitcase.  All I did was take a small piece of pine board, stained it, then nailed it into the suit case to make a shelf.  You could add a hanger on the back to hang it on the wall.  Most of my walls are old barn wood so I just screwed it
right to the wall.  Add some trinkets and you have the cutest little shelf.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Okay, here we go.  This is my first official blog post.  This is bike tire and wheel that I picked up at a thrift store.  I primed it and painted it with my favorite spray paint, picked out some cool vintage clips from The Graphics Fairy.  I mounted the pics on black card stock and cut them out leaving a trim of black.  Some clothes pins and a piece of burlap.  There you have it, a vintage bike wheel.  Some of my items will available for purchase at my Etsy Shop, this guy however sold right away at a craft show.