Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little Black Desk Re-Done

I was asked a couple of days ago to paint and shab a desk for a friend.  She wants it redone for her 15 year old daughter.  Her daughter picked out a really deep purple color.  Right now the desk is black and I thought it might look cool if after sanding it, the black showed through instead of the wood grain.  So here are the steps that I did yesterday.

  1. Sanded the desk to get rid of any imperfections.  This helps to reduce the dings and knicks so you have a nice fresh surface to work with.  Like a clean canvas.
  2. Used black spray paint to cover the spots where I had to sand down to wood.  This is the part that I have not tried before.  I mean, of course I have spray painted before.  I have never tried painting a base coat that will show through after shabby chic-ing. 
  3. Let the spray paint dry for a full 24 hours.  I need it to be very durable since parts of it will show through in the end.
Lot's more steps to do today so I will keep updating.  I can't wait to see how it turns out.  Here's a peek of what it looked at before I did anything to it. (Pardon the messy shop.)

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